PXL THIS 14 premiered Nov 20, 2004, 7 DUDLEY CINEMA, Venice CA
1- FISH, FRUITS & NUTS - Denny Moynahan, 6 minutes
2- MY MAGIC EIGHTBALL - Juniper Woodbury, 4m
3- PXL PINATA - Michael Possert, 5m
4- STRINGWORK - Ellen Lake, 3m
5- RUG RAT - Lisa Marr, 6m
6- OUTER RINGS - Gerry Fialka, 7m
7- WALTER MURCH BLINKS & SAVES US -Elric Kane & Adam Gould, 4m
8- FLY GIRL - Kelly Jones, 4m
9- BOBBY'S FRIENDS - Tim Finchum, 3m
10- SHE WAS - C. Gallo, 2m *
11- MJ DONG - Eli Elliott, 3m
12- FISH - Joe Frese, 5m
13- BORN IN LOVE - Alfred Johnson, 4m
14- GIRL YAWNING - Elric Kane, 6m
15- WONDER - Paolo Davanzo, 6m
16- SERRF - Kelly Jones, 7m
17- TV - Doug Ing, 5m
18- GIOSPOT - Giovanni Natale, 2m
19- RAW - Carlo Biela, 9m
20- STUFFED WITH LEAVES - Jamie Cohen, 3m
21- NOSFERATU - Tim Finchum, 7m *
22- BABBLEFESTO - Ross Craig, 4m
23- ZERO - Eli Elliott, 15m
24- BABBLEFESTO TWO - Steve Craig, 4m
25- NIGHT - Elric Kane, 8m *
27- COAL MINER'S GRANDDAUGHTER - Cecilia Dougherty, 80m *
Those followed with * will be shown in future screenings if time permits.
PXL THIS 14 also screened at OtherCinema.com in San Fran on April 23, 2005 at 8:30pm
A PXL segment aired on G4TV.com
Read about Pixelvision in the new article in MIT's TECHNOLOGY REVIEW http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/04/11/wo_jenkins110904.asp
PXL THIS 14 screened on THURSDAY, May 26, 2005 at 8:00pm at EchoParkFilm Center.org
Gerry Fialka spoke on Pixelvision at the Comparative Media Studies colloquium at MIT, Room 2-105, on Thursday, March 3, 2005 . PXL THIS 13 screened on March 3 at 7:30pm in room 2-105 on MIT campus. More about Comparative Media Studies at MIT: http://web.mit.edu/cms/
7 DUDLEY CINEMA screened the world premiere of PXL THIS 14, the 14th annual toy video festival, on Saturday, November 20, 2004 - two different shows: 7:00pm and 9:00pm at SPONTO GALLERY, 7 Dudley Ave, Venice, CA, 310-306-7330, free admission, Visit: www.indiespace.com/pxlthis and www.81x.com/7dudley/cinema
The responsive full house responded with cinematic enlightenment.
PXL THIS 14 highlights include:
Last year's favorite Juniper Woodbury, now nine-years-old, returns with the delightful MY MAGIC EIGHTBALL. Super songwriter Alfred Johnson sings about the triumphs of being BORN IN LOVE. Jamie Cohen's STUFFED WITH LEAVES uncovers our politicians' doings. Ellen Lake's STRINGWORK documents Graciela Carrillo's beautiful embroidery. King Kukulele takes Pixelvision interactivity to dynamic dimensions in FISH, FRUITS & NUTS. Giovanni Natale remembers his boyhood heroes in GIOSPOT. A six-year-old with her bat opens a very special PXL PINATA by Michael Possert. Eli Elliott's side-splitting funny MJ DONG celebrates fellow motorists' vanity and sense of character. Kelly Jones gives us a tour of her garbage plant Terminal Island workplace in SERRF, and portrays a hip talk show host in FLY GIRL. Poet/politician Robert Dobbs explores what human sensorium is extended by the PXL 2000 camera in OUTER RINGS. Carlo Biela's political documentary RAW looks at peace, Bush & the media during the largest international day of protests in history, Feb 15, 2003. Lisa Marr's RUG RAT unveils the greed ridden acquisition of American Indian textiles. Paolo Davanzo's WONDER honors his relationship with a faithful traveling companion. Joe Frese's poignant FISH dives into underwater thoughts. Doug Ing's TV reveals its services and disservices. Tim Finchum evocatively takes advantage of Pixelvision unique close-up capability in BOBBY'S FRIEND. Elric Kane's WALTER MURCH BLINKS & SAVES US discusses the philosophies of film editing. Kane's GIRL YAWNING recalls Bresson's "ejaculatory force of the eye" viewing live web cam sites. Paul Bacca yelps provocative INFORMATION RETRIEVAL. Ross Craig contributes the hilarious self-reflexive minimalist masterpiece BABBLEFESTO. Steve Craig's BABBLEFESTO #2 combines automated customer service messages and structuralist cinema. Eli Elliott's ZERO deeply probes a farcical appointment with his self-exploring comic self. Cecilia Dougherty's epic melodrama, COAL MINER'S GRANDDAUGHTER is an experimental narrative conceptually based on the idea of documenting family life.
In the LA WEEKLY, Feb 18, 2005, film editor Ron Stringer praised PXL THIS 14:
"In this reprise of the latest selection of short subjects (27 in all) from the eccentric and somewhat inbred coterie of filmmakers dedicated to making art with their Fisher-Price PXL-2000 toy cameras, at least
two of the films seem especially suited to that perversely low-res medium. In Lisa Marr's RUGRAT, a meditation on William Randolph Hearst's passionate, if short-lived, interest in Navajo weaving as the signature motif for his retreat at San Simeon, the fragmentation inflicted by the PXL process on the geometric patterning of the Indian blankets serves nicely as a metaphor for the fickle newspaper mogul's wandering field of attention. Then, in Elric Kane's NIGHT, as lovers at the end of an affair struggle to decide which of their personal reminiscences shall be canonical, their efforts are reflected in the difficulty we may have buying into the degraded PXL images as an adequate reflection of reality. Also noteworthy: the Craig brothers' BABBLEFESTO ONE and TWO, both of which pack one hell of a kick into their four-minute length, and Juniper Woodbury's MY MAGIC EIGHTBALL, an investigative documentary in which the PXL-2000 camera finds its way back into the hands of the consumers for which it was originally intended."
Established in 1991, Clap Off They Glass Productions supports independent video-making by sponsoring the annual PXL THIS Festival, which is the oldest of its kind in the world. Even with no corporate sponsors, no color brochures, no big shot movie director board members, no ticketmaster access, PXL THIS has been featured on PBS, IFC and NPR. RES magazine praised PXL THIS as "a welcome highlight in the Los Angeles media scene celebrating the rich lexicon available in a tool which might initially seem rather limiting." PXL THIS spans many genres: documentary, poetry, drama, art, music, political activism, cinema povera, comedy and the avant-garde. The unique Fisher-Price toy camcorder PXL 2000, which records sound and image directly onto audio cassettes, continues to empower artists. This failed toy was only made in the US from 1987 to 1989. The magical PXL 2000 restores a certain humanity to the overpowering technology of video. "PXL is the ultimate people's video." - J. Hoberman, Premiere Magazine.
"All the PXL THIS videos reflect festival organizer Gerry Fialka's commitment to the freedom produced by making art without financial constraints." - Holly Willis, LA Reader.
"In past years, PXL THIS gave us some fascinating work...definitely an out-there experience. In the last few years, PXL videos have made it to such hallowed domains as the Whitney Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, Sundance, and the London Film Festival, where they have been admired for their characteristic spontaneity, highly personal perspective, visual uninhibitedness and raw, grainy truths." - Mary Beth Crain, LA Weekly.
"PXL THIS is worthy of praise...spellbinding. The shifting bricks of light and dark that form the Fisher-Price PXL 2000's picture lend themselves well to personal essays, creating an invigorating mesh of ambiguity and intimacy in every frame." - Paul Malcolm, LA Weekly.
Film programmers and curators - please be aware that many different PXL THIS programs (90 to 120 minutes each) are available for rent by contacting Gerry Fialka, phone 310-306-7330 or pfsuzy@aol.com
Programs include BEST OF PXL THIS (the first 10 years), PXL THIS TEN, PXL THIS ELEVEN and PXL THIS 13 (on DVD, read praise from The LA TIMES and SF WEEKLY in the Blackboard interview with Fialka on the Articles page). In the past, they have screened successfully in San Fran-OtherCinema.com, the Ann Arbor Film Festival, Echo Park Film Center, New York-rbmc.net, Vancouver-blindinglight.com, Irvine,CA, Austin,TX, Albq., NM, Jacksonville, FL, Seattle, Eugene and Portland,OR. These are truly dynamic shows of low-tech video folk art that can draw big crowds
The new DVD entitled THE ART OF PIXELVISION is currently available from www.precious-realm.com
NEW! - link to articles about Pixelvision
PXL THIS was declared one of the ten BEST VIDEO FILM FESTIVALS by CHRIS GORE in his book "The Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide."
Gerry Fialka offers various workshops on Pixelvision and more. Click here for information...
We are now accepting entries for PXL THIS Festivals! See below...
COTG is now accepting entries for PXL THIS. For more information, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope or call Gerry Fialka, 2427 1/2 Glyndon Ave, Venice, CA 90291, #310-306-7330. The rules for entry are the same every year. Submissions must be shot with the PXL 2000 camera (but not exclusively), and entered on VHS videotape at SP (2 hour) speed. Do not send originals; no returns. All categories accepted, Deadline for entry is always Sept 22. Mail to: PXL, 2427 1/2 Glyndon Ave., Venice, CA 90291, 310-306-7330. Please include a synopsis and THREE first-class postage stamps with each entry.
Hey! you can send email now...just use elienation@hotmail.com, Continue to feel free to write or call.
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